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Lee & Lee communications/Culturalcafe™

Culturalcafe™ is a brand name own by Lee & Lee Communications, which includes all the best genes of Chinese culture and inherits the most gorgeous, noble, elegant and implicit characteristics, will certainly bring to your business.

Since 1992, Lee & Lee Communications has started co-establishing “ The Image Archive of the Collections of Palace Museum “ with The National Palace Museum in Taipei, through which L&L shares the copyright of the images to develop various digital publications and assimilated gift / home decoration products.

L&L offers an on-line database of the astonishing images of Chinese art masterpieces for all the images collectors aiming at educational field applications.

L&L also promotes it's value-added products world-widely. Lee & Lee Communications USA in San Jose takes charge of marketing of North America and Europe, while The Branch Office of L&L in Beijing takes that of China.

© Lee & Lee Communications 2005
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